Nithyashree Group Deposit cum Loan Plan

Scheme Details

Nithyashree Souharda Credit Co-Operative Ltd. is glad to announce new scheme “Nithyashree Group Deposit cum Loan Plan ” , to facilitate Finance to medium business, Salaried employees & all class of customers.The scheme offers easy monthly installment at affordable interest rates. Become member of Group & take benefits of the Scheme.

Nithyashree Group Deposit cum Loan Plan
Sl.No Month Deposit Amount Amount for draw winners
1 1st Month 4000 : 00 76000 : 00
2 2nd Month 4000 : 00 76700 : 00
3 3rd Month 4000 : 00 77400 : 00
4 4th Month 4000 : 00 78100 : 00
5 5th Month 4000 : 00 78800 : 00
6 6th Month 4000 : 00 79500 : 00
7 7th Month 4000 : 00 80200 : 00
8 8th Month 4000 : 00 80900 : 00
9 9th Month 4000 : 00 81600 : 00
10 10th Month 4000 : 00 82300 : 00
11 11th Month 4000 : 00 83000 : 00
12 12th Month 4000 : 00 83700 : 00
13 13th Month 4000 : 00 84400 : 00
14 14th Month 4000 : 00 85100 : 00
15 15th Month 4000 : 00 85800 : 00
16 16th Month 4000 : 00 86500 : 00
17 17th Month 4000 : 00 87300 : 00
18 18th Month 4000 : 00 88100 : 00
19 19th Month 4000 : 00 89000 : 00
20 20th Month 4000 : 00 90000 : 00